Monday, February 24, 2025

eyeopener level 7 meeting

March 29, 2014 by tdomf_09f69  
Filed under Integrations

Mr. Hamilton, the creative cycle you spoke of in the meeting was very valueable to me. It amazed me to hear you say you turned down money offers pertaing to your Neothink knowledge. I was surprise to hear you say money shouln’t come first, the goal is first. Money will take care of it’s self. The religion part was touching to me as my faith helped me cope with my ugly past. I realized while you were talking; my faith was a constant reminder of my past. I know now that Neothink knowledge is what made all this changes in my life for the better. I have lost 58 lbs since Neothink came into my life. I can actually say right now I know where I want to be and I love my new life now. I learned about certain things in the bible that was not taught to me in catholic school. I liked what you said about relationships and universal love. I want to know more about discovering and releasing the secret in my heart. I like my Neothink life now. It’ wonderful to be alive! I know for certain now I did the right thing to follow Neothink and I am humble to say how proud I am to be a Neothink member. You made me understand how rhetoric love was taught to me by my religion. Listening to level 7 meeting made me feel like a whole new person. Thank you, Mr. Hamilton for bringing the child inside me that was desperate to get out. You are one of a kind Genius with alot of abilities. Rosa L.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

9 Responses to “eyeopener level 7 meeting”
  1. rosa lerblance says:

    Mentor, Why is it people disagree with Mr. Hamilton’s knowledge and get verbal about it on the level meetings intergrations. Don’t they realize he does alot of study and research before puting it in paper. Also this level meetings are free to the apprentices and some still say he is wrong in what he says or they tell him his writing is wrong. They have to be immature or dance not to comprehend he is spending alot of time and money on teaching us his knowledge. Also, I have gone to the discussions boards and Neospace web site and the same negative thing happens there. The TVP is a major negative subject on the discussion boards. I responeded to one negative comment concerning the TVP. I didn’t get any response. I choose not to make any comments on the websites concerning Mr. Hamilton or the TVP, my two favorite subjects. I feel I am spreading contention and things will get worse. People are intitled to their own opinons as this is a free country. I just wish they would see Mr. Hamilton’s knowledge for what it’s worth. Level 7 meeting really was an eyeopener for me and I am more dedicated to learn all the knowledge Mr. Hamilton wants to teach me. Even if I have to pay for it. Someday I want to write a book about my past and how I just found out my father was a Sepharic Jew. Neothink has helped me deal with my abusive past and being a jew. Neothink helped me put alot of things in perpestive. I have gone through alot of changes since I started the level meetings and I really like where I am at and feel great about it. Thank you Mr.Hamilton,Mr. Frank R. Wallace and all the family who brought this abused victim to her senses. Hamilton America is a beautiful world, I see it from where I am standing. Thank you for letting me vent. I love you, Rosa lerblance

  2. rosa lerblance says:

    Mentor, I was sitting down reflecting back on Level 7 meeting and remembered Mr. Hamilton talked about the five growth cycles. I thought there were only 3, young age, middle age and old age. I learned about the cycles I have gone thru and understand them better. Every time I learn something new in the level meetings I wish Neothink would have come into life sooner. We wouldn’t have struggled so much in life as we did. Also, I realized if the information is coming back to me it means I am learning the knowledge. It made me HAPPY to see the knowledge before me. Have a great day!
    I love you, Rosa Lerblance

  3. rosa lerblance says:

    Mentor, I was reflecting on level 7 meeting on the subject of organized religion. This the part of the meeting that effected me the most. When Mr. Hamilton started the part on religion – music started to play loud enough to cover most of Mr Hamilton’s voice. I could hear his voice slightly but couldn’t understand what he was saying. So on this part I read the information on the teachings book. I realized that I had an obsession with my faith because of my past abuse. That is all I thought about before coming into the Society. I used to pray that the good lord help me overcome the hurt and anger I had towards my abusers. I know now I had to do work myself mentally to overcome the issues on this matter. If I had joined the Society when first approached I would have begun the road to happiness-Hamilton America a long time ago. I have nothing but gratitude to my faith because if it wasn’t for my obession on religion I wouldn,t have made it this far without it. I used to drink quite alot in the past to drown my hurt and pain. Every time I drank to get drunk I used to cry and ask myself Why? I know now my fights with my husband had alot to do with the issues from the past. I also realize now my faith gave me hope but no solution to my anger and hurt. Neothink has guided me and given me the tools to confront my problem with anger and hurt and except what I can’t change. Nobody has taken the time to teach me how to ambrace my past and leave it in the past. It’s been really hard to let go of my faith but level 7 made me realize that certain things in the bible were kept from me for example Abraham lied about his wife being his sister. The nuns at catholic school punished us if we lied. They would beat us severly if we were caught doing anything againt the lord. I gave a sigh of relief when I started taking down all my religious crosses,rosaries and pictures from my walls. The heavy load was lifted from my back and mind. I feel so reliefed and Happy every morning to face the day if for some reason I have stress I think about Neothink and my meetings with Mr. Hamilton and it slowly gets me out of my stress. I will forever follow Mr. Hamilton’s teachings as I believe if I don’t I will regress back to old self. I have said it many times since I joined the Society and I humble myself to say again how grateful and proud I am to be a member of Hamilton America and if allowed to I will always follow Mr. Hamilton’s teachings as I have all the notes on each level meeting. Thank You Mr. Hamilton for taking the time and money to help me to overcome and my past abuse. I love you Rosa Lerblance

  4. rosa lerblance says:

    Mentor, Mr. Hamilton mentions on some of the level meetings about dishonesty. I agree with his concept of the word. I have in the past either said something that was not completely honest and realized it and didn’t attemped to correct the dishonesty. That was wrong I know now! My dear father told me almost every day growing up if you can’t be true to yourself you won’t be truthful to anyone else. Mr. Hamilton has reminded me so much of the teachings of my father. Ok, level 7 talked about trumping organized religion so I will be honest Mentor about what I have done. I used be a religious fanatic before Neothink came into my life. I prayed the rosary seven days a week went to church three to four times a week- worked as a volunteer in the church office 3 or 4 days a week sometimes weekends too. I worked in the office for almost 5 years. My job was assisant to the church secretary. I would answer phones to count money and make bank deposites. My responsibilies pertained to whatever the secretary didn’t do, I would do! Of course I had to take a fingerprint and background check as the church has its own compliance officer. I haven’t been to mass in over four weeks and when I went inside the church I felt a little guilty for being there. I noticed I was not into the mass reading or singing like I used too. For spring break my daughter Lianna went camping with the family for my grandson’s birthday, at first my heart kept telling me you don’t want to do this but my daughter was in a bind so I decided to teach her class that Sunday. Also, this past Wed. and Thur. Brenda, the secretary was in a bind as the office is having an audit in a few days as she and Fr. Mike have been accused of embezzling church money. I went to help. I had to go inside the church as the paper work has to be changed every week for the reading. I felt distant and guity being there. I told my husband as he is not catholic that I won’t be doing this to much longer as I don’t feel right doing the work anymore as there has been so much dishonesty in my religion. I have to thank Mr, Hamilton for opening my eyes to this. If I continue to do the work the dishonesty will continue as the office or the diocese will excuse every wrong thing they do. People are noticing I am staying away from church more and more. I get calls from people as I used to be a permanet fixture at church. I will stay away from the church permantly I intend to so, but I am doing it slowly as if I drasticly do it my family will be toren apart. I brought all my kids and grandkids into the church with my grandson jimmy doing his first commuion in April of last year. I have to go slow as my younger grandkids are so devoted to the church. Ok, there it is I feel so much better telling you all of this. I hope Mr. Hamilton reads this intergration as my next step is to go to the Sunday inspiration call. I am looking forward to it. Have a beautfull weekend! I Love You, Rosa Lerblance

  5. rosa lerblance says:

    Mentor, Yesterday at church started holy week, Palm Sunday. It,s a celebration all week ending on Easter Sunday. This the first time in my life that I missed Palm Sunday! My children didn’t question my decision or asked me any questions. I removed several religious articles from my walls and have some more to go. I believe this is what Mr. Hamilton meant about trumping organized religion on Level 7 meeting. I am determined to get over the obbession of religion in my life. It’s been 4 weeks since I’ve gone to mass and I don’ feel regretful about the step I am taking. I feel I am in control of my life for the first time as I am doing what is good for me not for anyone else. I will always be gratful for the religion in my life as it saved me from giving up on life and carried me to the Neothink door. I will not talk negative about the religion in my life as it would defeat the purpose of being grateful to it. I feel such relief and I know now I won’t be going to hell because I didn’t to to mass. Thank You Mr. Hamilton for the Eyeopener meeting I had with you. I will forever be grateful to you Sir, and your family for allowing me to play like an adult with the other members and mentors. I Love You, Rosa Lerblance

  6. rosa lerblance says:

    Mentor, In the process of taking religious stuff of my walls I forgot to mention about a certain painting that I have here in my house. The painting is of the Virgin of Guadalupe with Juan Deigo kneeling in front of her picking roses from around her feet. The painting is 74 years old according to my older brother Raul who remembers the artist doing the painting. The painting is 5 ft. high by 7 1/2 ft. across. I am talking feet not inches. It covers an entire wall. Part of the story of how we ended up with the painting was told to me by my father and the other part of the story was told to me by my older brother Raul who lives in San Bernadino,Ca. The part of the story my father told me was a young mexican immgrant crossed the river and ended up at our doorstep asking my father for food and shelter and no money as he would work for his keep. He put him to work. According to my father he was a hard worker and very grateful he had food and shelter. After about 6 months or so he, Carlos Hill, was his name- asked my father if he would buy all the materials he would do paintings for him as he was an artist. My father bought him all the materials he needed. He did 6 paintings all same size differnet subjects. Only one religious painting. The story my brother Raul told me he remembers the young man very well. He wanted to paint the Virgin of Guadalupe with Juan Deigo but needed a model for the virgins face. So he asked my mother if she would sit for the painting. She did! For Juan Deigo’s face he looked in a small mirror and painted his face on Juan Deigo. Here is my problem the painting was done in the early 40’s before I was born. I dont’t have any memory of my mother at all. All I have is a few pictures and this painting. I haven’t had the money to appraise the painting but I do know its worth money as I have been appoached by a lady willing to buy it. Since I don’t have any memory of my mother I would like to keep it. My father on his will left everything to my brother Mario and me. It’s been with me ever since. I know to trump organized religion I would have to get rid of everything religious. I would like someday for a member of the society to see it as it is in great condition. I would like to keep it for my kids and grandkids as they weren’t lucky enough to meet my mother. Even though I don’t have no memory of her- family and people tell me I look, think, cook and act like her. Well,mentor that’s my story. Hope you have a wonderful day. I love you, Rosa lerblance.

  7. rosa lerblance says:

    Mentor, Last Sunday, I tried to attend the Sunday Inspiraion Call but I counln’t connect with it. I called Darlene and apparently the time diffence is three hrs. I wasn’t sure if it was 3 hrs. before or after my time. I will try again. I love you, Rosa Lerblance

  8. rosa lerblance says:

    Mentor, Well, I did it! I didn’t attend any of the services or mass for holy week. In the past few months I’ve tried to get away from my religion and haven’t been able to stay away from it as I felt really guilty and afraid not to attend mass or the celebration. I feel so reliefed and a hugh load off my shoulders. I even went to the Inspiration call on Easter Sunday. I love the music they played at the beginning of the call. I felt really intimated by Miss Jill Reed as she interupted the speaker while he was talking which by the way was a great talk. Other then that I totally enjoyed what they talked about. I won’t be able to attend every Sunday call as when my daughter works I keep her 3 kids. Truthfullly I was afraid to attend the Inspiration call as I was afraid to like it. But I am glad I did! I feel good about myself as I took a hugh step towards getting away from organized religion like Mr. Hamilton said on my last level meeting with him. Thanks have a beautifull afternoon. I Love You, Rosa Lerblance.

  9. rosa lerblance says:

    Mentor, I took the final step of getting away from organized religion. I had an alter with a collection of rosaries next to my bed. Ever since I was very young I’ve kept religious pictures next to me at night. I thought it was going to be very difficult to take the alter down but it wasn’t! March 5th, Ash Wednesday was the last time I went to mass. It’s been 50 days today! It feels easier and easier every day that passes by. At the sake of repeating myself it’s a hugh relief and I feel good about it. I am so glad,happy and grateful the Society has brought me to this point in my life. I have never felt this good about myself before! Thank You Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Frank R. Wallace and all the family who brought the child inside me that was desperate to get out! I Love You all with all my heart!!!!!!! Rosa Lerblance

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