Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Are you serious?

March 29, 2012 by tdomf_09f69  
Filed under Integrations

I agree with a lot of your concepts; not all. As with any way of life, individuals must find their own right path. Your realizations have been helpful, however
I think that you might be biting off more than you can chew.
How was I actually chosen?
Do you really know who I am?

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

5 Responses to “Are you serious?”
  1. Charlie Moore says:


    Yes, you are right, we all must find our own path, it helps if it is a path to self-leadership.

    I am not sure what you mean by biting off more than we can chew. I suggest you listen to the Wednesday Night Call at 8:00 est, with Steve Rapella at 949-333-4806 ID 256015# and if you are not a active member, call member services and sign up with them for the mentor call every night. The number is 800 480-2336.


  2. Dennis Emily says:

    I received another ad for yet another Mark Hamilton publication.
    I am several steps above. Need I say more?

  3. Dennis Emily says:

    How is it that I am Level 7and I am getting level 1 integrations>?

  4. Dennis Emily says:

    Is there any chance that I can talk with a human? If not at least a realstic e-mail.

  5. Bill says:

    Charlie, I am an active member and understand many of the concepts Mark Hamilton is making. I am even joining a network marketing business, which holds many of the core business values Mark subscribes to. However, “Trumping Religion” is a bit too radical in my bicameral thinking. Sorry, but I cannot agree with the principles Mark makes on trying to Trump Religion, as that’s a paradox in setting oneself up for failure. The paradigm of thinking only in the “I” format is contradictory to the Bible. The 7th meeting list the Bible as a nice book? Really? The savior of man’s teachings is a nice book and the momentum in thinking for that Man = GOD or what you refer to as God-Man is blaspheme. I understand Mark wants to destroy the bicameral way of thinking, but several of his concepts go against the divine laws of God. Mark Hamilton is not God and Mark’s senior staff are not blessed with divine spirit. Depending on what religious doctrine you were raised, where you core values emerge, no religion believes Man is as good or the same as God’s power. Regardless of how anyone has tried to manipulate religion in the past to their benefit, the truth is the Son of Man (Jesus) is Lord, and we can only reach God through Jesus’ divine grace. Anything else is blaspheme, which is against the Holy Bible, which is the word of God. The parallels that Mark Hamilton and his staff make are similar to what once a higher divine Angel once thought and tried. You know how that turned out? Others in our history tried to Trump Religion too, which caused World Wars. The One who thought he was better than God, we refer to as Satan, Lucifer, the Anti-Christ and a host of other demonic symbols and names. Man cannot equal God, so please do not try to brainwash the masses of people in that type of thinking, otherwise you’re following a dark road that will end in tragedy. I’m disappointed in Mark’s lesson here and the following I have read. Learn the truth, before speaking against the Will of God. Less you have forgotten, remember thy Bibles’ First Commandment and the Second that follows!

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